Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Zambia Address!

Hey peeps!!
So from now on I will have a new address:
Caitlin Johnson/PCV
Peace Corps
PO Box 560059

this is effective now, because by the time anything sent now arrives I will be in Petauke. So spread the word! Also, my birthday is May 31, about a month and a half away so now would be a good time to send things:) hehe.

I got my first package yesterday from my mom and it was fabulous!! It had candy, tuna, pictures from the going away party, and other great stuff inside. For some reason all the trainees' packages had accumulated and we all got them on the same day so it was seriously like Christmas in Zambia.


Tricia said...

Glad you got your package honey!! It's been so long I forgot what was in it!! I thought the little children
in your fam would like the card that plays music!! Was going to send them some beanie babies but there was no room. Of course, there's another
wonderful pkg on its way but it's going to Lusaka. I hate that!! When
are you leaving for your new town?

lori said...

HI Caitlin!
Just got on here to look up your new address. I just heard of your news of your being ill, and maybe something other than malaria? I pray for you speedy recovery and I am already anxious for that so we can hear of more exciting tales from Zambia. Everytime I say Zambia I remember a message someone wrote you at your party "Zambia is for Lovers" and it makes me smile. But seriously, Get well soon! XO Lori

Unknown said...

Hey cait, how u ? my name is gabriel i come from petauke but currently in south africa the weather is great here we play basket ball every day & its not hot like petauke . reading your blogs hence i decide to communincate and say hai. your experencies are spoky ,i dont mean to scare you but i was very impressed that you took the opporunity to travel & explor that part of the world & stayed on .so how your work coming ? Am a traveller like u, though not a pcv , i was student here just & completed my degree in market, business mgmt & project managemnt & managed to get a job so am quity busy . my door is open if you need anything or help, i know it hard being alone wit no family around so i would like to be your friend please you can email me on and just talk. iwould realy be happy to hear what going on back home. by the way i`ll be coming to petauke in november or december hope to see you . in case your in south africa please cal me on 076 185 3910 & i could take u aroound to see the place before u go to the states. please keep bloging .gabriel