Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Bike wreck and A Birthday party. AND PICS!

Link to pics put up by dad, ENJOY:

The last couple weeks have been eventful. Last Wednesday I went to an HIV/AIDS workshop for teachers and it was quite interesting until post-lunch I realized I wasnt feeling very well. I decided to leave early knowing I had a 30 minute bike ride home and I was going to be sick soon. Long story short--food poisioning for two days and feeling like crap. My village was so worried about me (since they could hear all the vomitting) it was quite sweet actually. My neighbor offered to sleep on my floor at night in case i had to get up during the night. I survived it only to then wreck my bike the first day after I was feeling better. On my way to town to hopefully pick up packages and veggies and 10K in I sad. I had some bad scrapes on my arms and there wouldnt be any way to clean in town and my bike wasn't looking to good so i decided to head back home. I then lied around for another couple days healing my wounds. I was lucky though, and I know that. It could have been much worse.

The next day was my birthday!! Yay! Diana came over and we made the most delicious oatmeal with cranberry cookies EVER. Even by American standards, really good. We basically cooked and ate all day then watched a movie on my iPod. A great Zambian birthday.

I'm in Chipata right now for a meeting where all PCVs in the Province get together and discuss various issues that need to be addressed. Meeting not so painful and followed by a Carnival-themed party. It was a lot of fun to hang out with all the people in the province at once. I'll be back in a couple weeks to do Visa/immigration stuff, so expect more blogging then.


lori said...

Hey Caitlin! We miss you! It is so interesting to see your hut, the market, the people. I am glad you are okay from your bike wreck... ugh be careful! I am now anxiously awaiting you to recieve the package I sent and I guess I should be gathering things for the next one since it takes so long to get there. (Hope you had a Happy Birthday!) Alex is off to Murray for a summer program & Caleb is there too. Rich is home taking a class & working. Dan is working TWO jobs! It was great seeing your photos. The scenery was beautiful and you look great! Love you, Lori
ps. book club with Mojitos tommorrow night. YAH

Unknown said...

Cait my dear. I miss you so much! I had food poisoning too in Guatemala and ended up throwing up on some Mayan ruins. It was not fun at all and I'm pretty sure I'm cursed now for getting sick on two thousand year old temples. I hope things are going great in Zambia, I really miss you tons and tons. LOVE YOU!